Wednesday, December 5, 2012


I really thought the Sketching was a helpful read since I consider myself an inspiring writer for future novels and other works of art.  First, the sketching the tree was a cool way of explaining the process of brain storming.  It tells us to go with the flow, and just let the tree remain bare instead of forcing the starting image to becoming a finished planned work of art.
I also liked the parts about how most people are "None writers" and how they feel like everything must be planned in advance.  She believes when authors say everything was pre-planned that some of them, very few are hyping themselves up.  It's best to just write, have some ideas ready but go with the flow and see where the story takes you.
The part where she explained about Ed, who actually travels to his desired location of the story and takes like a miny vacation.  I think it's really cool how he'll go to the area and stand back and analyze life in the enironvment and after everything is done he uses his experiences to help with probably descriptions, people, and areas of what he can picture to place on the page.  I really liked the sketching it influences us to find what works for us individually as writers.

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