First Post,
My reading response to Precious, Disappearing Things,
The piece was very inspiration and left me wondering about certain passages. As an inspiring writer, I feel every creative writing student should have grasped a passage or two to learn from. First I would like to say there are parts that moved me, such as "AVA is a work in progress and will always be a work in progress. It is a book in a perpetual state of becoming. It cannot be stabilized or fixed. It can never be finished. It's a book that could be written forever." As writers we often want to rush the ending instead of taking the time to actually write. It tells me to write without conclusion just continue, go with the flow, experience where the piece will take you and don't be afraid to look back and radically revise.
Another section that stuck out me to me referred to fragments. "The fragments piled up. Keeping the notebooks goings, I began to travel the world in my own way." I like this because to me it is saying keep going don't stop, don't think about it, left the hand doing the speaking beside the mind. Also when writing we tend to fix the errors while processing and it ultimately changes the meaning. Its hard to avoid the green lines which tell us that the errors are there but some statements are made for different interpretations.
"In AVA I have tried to write lines the reader (and the writer) might mediate on, recombine, rewrite as he or she pleases." That's fun, give the readers multiple ideas to work with, don't allow us readers to only see one path in your writings. Allow your readers to fill in the blanks helps it all become mysterious and telling, and fun.
"Women, blacks, Latinos, Asians, etc. are all made to sound essentially the same- that is, say, like John Cheever, on a bad day. Oh, a few bones thrown now and then, a few concessions are made to exotic or alternative or "trangressive" content, but that is all. And more free slips away." So from this passage it makes me wonder if it is a bad thing to sound exotic or different. Should everyone conform to the ways of the past writers which were all white males who've given up the basic restricted structures in which writers today suffer.
Great quotes and responses here. No, the last quote means the opposite I think; her complaint is that everyone is trying to sound like (Cheever or etc mainstream white man writer) and we should allow more space for more and other kinds of voices.